Questions to Ask Before Getting a Divorce

When we walk down the aisle and say “I do,” divorce is the last thing on our minds. However, the passage of time can lead to marital strife. People change. Some develop addictions or abuse their partners. Couples fight over money. Frustrated by their marriage, many seek love and affection elsewhere.
Nearly half of marriages end in divorce, and there are many reasons why marriages fail. Will you be one of the statistics? It depends on how hard you are willing to work to save your marriage. Have you exhausted all of your options? Divorce is a difficult process that can be very emotional. Are you willing to go through this process? Before you do, ask yourself these questions.
Have You Done Everything You Can to Save Your Marriage?
Marriage should not be taken lightly. It is meant to be a lifelong commitment. Therefore, you need to examine what steps you have taken to save the marriage and think about what more you can do. Have you tried counseling? Have you read books? Have you had any discussions with your partner?
Do You Have the Courage to Begin the Divorce Process?
A divorce is one of the hardest things that someone will go through. It’s not easy at all. It’s a legal process that involves assets, debts and children. There are so many factors involved. It will no doubt be an emotional process for all involved, especially if you have been married for a long time. It takes a lot of courage to even start the process, so you will no doubt be drained by the time it’s over—which could be a year from now.
How Will a Divorce Affect Your Children?
This is easy if you don’t have kids. But if you do, a divorce will impact them as well. They probably feel tension if you and your spouse constantly fight with each other. It’s likely that they will feel relief once you and your spouse divorce. However, it’s important to take their feelings into consideration. More than likely, you and your spouse will share custody of the children, so they will see each parent less. Is that something they can live with?
Will You Be Able to Make it on Your Own?
A divorce splits one family into two, which means you and your spouse will be living in separate households and paying your own bills. Will you have the financial means to do so? If you don’t have a job, you’ll have to get one to survive. Don’t rely on child support or alimony. Living on your own is expensive. Start saving up now.
Seek Legal Help
When we get married, we don’t think of divorce as an option. However, as time goes by and we’ve exhausted every avenue, divorce becomes more a reality.
Have you done everything you can to save your marriage? Are you ready to start the divorce process? If so, contact Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. Schedule a consultation by filling out the online form or calling 954-764-4330.