4 Communication Issues That Can Lead to Divorce

If you have been married for a while, you may be aware that good communication is key. When you and your spouse don’t discuss things in a civil manner, resentment builds quickly. In fact, poor communication can even lead to divorce.
To address poor communication, you need to be honest with your spouse about feelings. Any issues in your marriage need to be addressed head on. Talk to your partner about things that are bothering you. Any underlying sentiments and feelings that are not expressed clearly will only fester and make problems worse.
There are actually four communication issues that often lead to divorce — with more than 90% accuracy. So if your communication with your spouse could be better, it’s time to fix things now before you end up in divorce court. Here are some communication issues to avoid.
Toxic Criticism
Marriage is based on honesty, so you should be able to give negative feedback to your partner in cases where you don’t think they are making good decisions. However, when the criticism happens too frequently, it becomes toxic. Avoid using generalizations such as “always” or “never.” This leads to attacks on a person’s character, which can lead to resentment.
Stonewalling is similar to the silent treatment, in which a person shuts down during a conversation. They may stop talking and leave the room. When one person is overwhelmed, both partners need to de-escalate the fight and possibly take a break. However, a break should never last longer than an entire day. Plus, the spouses should check in frequently during the break.
Contempt is seen as the most worrisome communication issue. It leads to resentment and is often seen as a relationship killer. Signs of contempt include rolling your eyes, sighing, engaging in sarcasm, and mocking your partner. If you are demonstrating an all-around dislike of your partner, then you are full of contempt and you need to quit this now if you want your marriage to survive. Learn to communicate better. You should be able to speak your feelings without being passive aggressive.
When a person is defensive, they don’t apologize for their actions. Instead, they make excuses. Each person needs to be accountable for their actions — even if they are only partly to blame. Use the 1% test. Is 1% of what your partner is complaining about true? If so, take accountability for that 1%.
Seek Legal Help
Communication is a very important part of marriage. When a couple struggles with communicating effectively, it can lead to anger, resentment, stress, and even divorce.
If you and your spouse are not communicating well, you need to address the problem early on. Otherwise, it may be time to end the marriage. Count on Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. for help with the divorce process. Fill out the online form or call 954-764-4330 to schedule a consultation with our office.