Are you in a Transactional Marriage?

Marriage is supposed to be about love, passion, and commitment, but many marriages feel transactional. This is not unusual, as marriage is a contract between two parties, almost like running a business. Marriage comes with a lot of legalities. When you marry, you get a license. When you divorce, you have to jump through a lot of hoops in order to split assets, child custody, and everything else and return to single life.
However, marriage should not be treated entirely as a business. Transactional marriages are those in which there is equal give and take. The spouses are primarily concerned with the benefits they will get and they will make sure they get a lot in return, like an investment.
However, this type of marriage can be unhappy and filled with resentment. It’s easy for a couple to get in a rut when there is no sense of friendship or intimacy involved. A romantic marriage has love, passion, intimacy, and commitment. Here’s a look at these elements in more detail.
As the popular song goes, “what is love?” You need to know that there is such a thing as “love” and “being in love.” You can love someone without being in love with them. People in love are more engaged in their relationships. They are concerned about them and show respect toward them. They are lucky to have them. Being in love involves intimacy. Love is more about care and well wishes.
Passion involves new experiences. If you and your spouse are doing the same old thing every day, you are likely lacking passion, especially if there is no sex involved. Or maybe there is lovemaking, but it is done with a sense of disinterest, like your spouse is just going through the motions. Even if there is no sex, there should be some physical aspect of your relationship. If your spouse rarely touches you in a playful or romantic way, then your marriage may be devoid of passion.
Intimacy involves a connection on multiple levels, including physical and emotional. They touch each other. They hug, kiss, and hold hands. There is also emotional intimacy, where they feel free to share their feelings, good or bad. A marriage where the couple rarely talks to each other and expresses little empathy for each other is one that lacks intimacy.
Commitment is hard to find nowadays, with half of marriages ending in divorce. Is your spouse committed to you? Are you committed to them? Do you fear your spouse won’t stick around in the bad times? Are you or your spouse quick to threaten divorce? Do either of you give up too easily? Do you or your partner seem more interested in others? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then commitment is lacking in your marriage.
Seek Legal Help
While marriages are business deals to some extent, your relationship should not feel transactional. There should be love, intimacy, and commitment involved.
How do you feel about your marriage? Is the love still there? If your marriage is lacking passion, seek legal help from Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. We are here to provide compassionate, dedicated, and effective representation. Schedule a consultation today by filling out the online form or calling 954-764-4330.