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Category Archives: Child Custody


Child Exchanges at Neutral Locations Thanks to Florida Law

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Divorces can be pretty messy. While some are amicable, some are filled with anger and contention because of issues such as threats and physical harm. When these issues are prevalent in a marriage, it can be hard to escape them even after a divorce or the end of a relationship, especially if there are… Read More »

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Getting a Summer Child Custody Plan in Place

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When you divorce with children, you have to continue dealing with your spouse at least until your kids turn 18. This means you have to communicate with them on various topics, such as custody and child rearing. These can be difficult conversations, especially if the divorce was not amicable, but you do need to… Read More »

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What Dads Should Do If They Want More Parenting Time

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

In a divorce with children, the parents have to decide on custody or else the court will do it for them. It goes without saying that the mothers tend to get primary custody of the children, but it’s not because of gender. It’s because of wrong assumptions. Many men don’t have a good understanding… Read More »

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Divorcing With Children: Making the Best of It

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Making the decision to divorce is one of the biggest decisions a person will face in their lives. Ending a marriage is not something that is taken lightly, especially when children are involved. Many parents refuse to pull the trigger on divorce, instead deciding to wait until the children are grown. But this can… Read More »

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Common Child Custody Problems

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

In a divorce, one of the biggest issues is child custody. Child custody is often an emotional element because both parents want custody of the child, but they don’t really take into consideration the best interests of the child. Florida Statutes Section 61.13 states that child custody decisions should be made by the court… Read More »

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How Divorced Parents Can Co-Parent With Ease

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

If you have children and your marriage is on the rocks, you can opt for a divorce. However, you need to keep in mind that after a divorce, you will need to maintain a relationship with your ex-spouse. Unless you will have sole custody of your child, which is highly unlikely, you’ll need to… Read More »

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Child Custody In Modern Times

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

You and your husband are divorcing and there are minor children involved. You feel good about the child custody situation because, after all, you are their mother. You raise them, care for them, and pretty much do everything for them. While their father is involved in their care to some degree, it pales in… Read More »

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What To Include In A Parenting Plan

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Getting divorced is not an easy task, especially when there are children involved. There are often conflicts between the parents on how the kids should be raised, how much time each parent should spend with them, and who will make important decisions for them. You may be scared about what to expect in the… Read More »

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Creating A Visitation Schedule

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

In a divorce when children are involved, the judge will decide on child custody. Parents will be asked to create a visitation schedule, or parenting time schedule, in which they will agree on when they will spend time with each parent. While a judge can create a schedule, it’s usually better when both parents… Read More »

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Parents Battling Over COVID Vaccines For Children

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Divorced parents tend to fight over everything, from money to education to religion to medical treatment. One thing that parents are fighting over right now is whether or not to vaccinate their children. The COVID vaccine is available for children ages 12 and older.  In late August, the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine for… Read More »

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