Dating After Divorce

After being married and then going through divorce, most people are uninterested in trying for Round 2 of wedded bliss. In fact, more than 50% of women have no desire to remarry after a divorce.
After a divorce, a person is dealing with baggage such as an ex-spouse, kids, finances and a slew of other problems. While this may seem like a drawback, it’s actually beneficial because you have the experience of a relationship under your belt. You have a better idea of what you want and don’t want in future relationships. If you’re considering looking for love again, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of success.
Reconnect With Yourself
It is easy to get lost in a relationship. You may not even remember what you like to do or who you are. Spend some time rediscovering yourself after a divorce. You’ll be able to determine what makes you happy, which is helpful when dating.
Work With a Therapist
You don’t have to handle the emotions of your divorce on your own. A therapist can help you with the grief you are likely experiencing with the divorce. They can analyze your marriage and help you understand why you did things a certain way. They can identify healthy habits as well as things that you can probably stop doing. A therapist can also show you how to look for patterns so you can avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
You don’t want to stay stagnant in your relationships. Mix things up and be prepared for new adventures. Do something that you would not have thought of doing while married. While it’s a good idea to do things you normally would not do, you need to have a balance. Don’t sacrifice who are you just so you can be in a relationship.
Don’t Focus on a Type
Many people claim they have a “type” of mate they prefer. Maybe they like jocks. Perhaps they like thin, model-type women. When dating after divorce, you should forget about these types, as all they do is limit you. Plus, people change. You might discover that what you were once attracted to no longer makes you fall head over heels in love. Instead, go with your gut and go with someone who has the qualities you admire.
Go Deep
Don’t limit your dates to meaningless small talk. If a long-term relationship is your goal, then make it your priority. Talk about deeper topics, such as life goals. Do you want children someday? Do you want to travel the world? Find a partner who has the same goals.
Seek Legal Help
A divorce can be very stressful, but it’s not the end of the world. Ending your marriage can allow you to move on with someone who is more compatible with you.
Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney Edward J. Jennings, P.A. can help you with your post-divorce matters. Schedule a consultation by filling out the online form or calling 954-764-4330.