Getting a Summer Child Custody Plan in Place

When you divorce with children, you have to continue dealing with your spouse at least until your kids turn 18. This means you have to communicate with them on various topics, such as custody and child rearing.
These can be difficult conversations, especially if the divorce was not amicable, but you do need to have custody plans in place, especially once school lets out for the summer. If you recently divorced, you may not have dealt with this situation before. The goal is to ensure that the best interests of the child are met. Ideally, they should spend equal time with both parents during the summer. However, there needs to be a lot of planning because parents have work schedules to consider. Plus, they may each have vacations planned for the kids.
Summer is just around the corner. Here are some tips to get a custody plan in place.
Start Early
Don’t wait until the day before summer vacation starts to begin planning. Start the process as early as possible so you and the other parent can go over it together. Take into account any commitments such as vacations and camps. Plus, your child may be spending time at family gatherings, playing sports, or engaging in other extracurricular activities. Be sure to consider all these activities when making the schedule.
Take the Child’s Preferences Into Account
Summer is supposed to be fun, so make sure to get an idea of what your child wants to do. See if they want to attend camp or play sports during the summer. Younger children will likely need more routine, while older children may be more independent and want to spend time with friends. Consider the activities they want to do when creating your summer schedule.
Communicate Effectively
Open communication is essential for successful co-parenting. There are many ways to communicate, so if you don’t like phone calls, for example, try meeting face to face. Emails, texts, and apps may work well also. In any case, you and the other parent need to keep each other informed about any scheduling conflicts or unexpected events that can affect the custody arrangement.
Be Flexible
Don’t be combative toward the other parent. Remember, this is about the children. Do what you can to avoid conflict in front of your children. Put your children’s needs ahead of your own. Be willing to negotiate. Creating a summer schedule won’t be easy, so be flexible. The summer custody schedule should work well for the parents as well as the children.
Seek Legal Help
Custody plans often change over the summer, when school is out and parents take their children on vacations. Get your place together soon so you’re prepared.
Fort Lauderdale child custody lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. can assist with parenting and timesharing concerns. We’ll work with you to develop effective, agreeable schedules. Fill out the online form or call 954-764-4330 to schedule a consultation.