How To Apologize To Your Spouse

When you do something wrong, you likely apologize. You may mutter a couple words, like “I’m sorry” or maybe just “Sorry.” But is a word or two enough?
An apology expresses remorse. It keeps your relationship secure. It shows that you respect your relationship. When you don’t apologize, it can have many repercussions. It can ruin your reputation and even your marriage.
Apologizing is not always easy; in fact, it’s more of an art. Here are some tips to sincerely apologize to your spouse and save your marriage.
Acknowledge Your Mistake
Don’t say you’re sorry simply because that’s what you’re supposed to do. Apologize because you know you made a mistake and want to make things right. Don’t apologize until you know what you’ve done wrong.
Take Full Responsibility
It takes a grownup to admit that they made a mistake and they were wrong, so own up to it. Don’t try to blame someone else or claim that something (like alcohol) made you act stupid. Take full responsibility and own up to the mistake.
Don’t Use “But”
The words “I’m sorry” can be helpful, but once you use the word “but,” it changes everything. Using “but” makes it sound as though you are trying to defend your actions. That is never a good word to use in an apology. Tell your spouse “I’m sorry about…” and leave it at that. Otherwise, you’ll just get yourself into even more trouble.
Be Authentic
Don’t say you’re sorry just for the sake of it. You must sound like you are truly sorry. Be serious about it. Once you have acknowledged your mistake and take responsibility for your actions, you can apologize in an authentic manner.
Don’t Expect Immediate Forgiveness
Sure, you may give your spouse an authentic apology but that does not mean they will accept your apology right away. They will more than likely forgive you eventually, but it may take some time. Your spouse is hurt, so give them some time and space. If all you’re worried about is being forgiven, then you’re being too selfish. You need to worry about your spouse’s emotions.
Make Things Right
When you apologize, you might want to offer something to make things right. For example, if you can’t go out with your spouse on a certain night because you have to work late, offer to go out on a different night.
Seek Legal Help
We all make mistakes. Therefore, it’s important to know the best way to apologize to your spouse when you’ve hurt them.
Many people don’t know how to say they’re sorry. This can lead to resentment, anger, and even divorce. If you’re ready to end your marriage, Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. can assist you. We counsel our clients appropriately and fight for their legal rights. Fill out the online form or call 954-764-4330 to schedule a consultation.