Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Family Lawyer

Addressing Key Issues in Assisted Reproductive Technology Agreements
Technology and modern advancements in medicine are making it possible for individuals who were once unable to have children of their own to have, well, children of their own. Assisted Reproductive Technology, or ART, such as artificial insemination, surrogacy, and in vitro fertilization, give couples the opportunity to have a child that is genetically… Read More »

The Basics of a Florida Parenting Plan Modification
Life is full of surprises, and it is difficult to anticipate what is going to happen tomorrow much less next week, next year, or within the next ten years. Because of this, parenting plans are hardly ever set in stone, and if a parent or parents want to modify an existing plan, they have… Read More »

How is Child Custody Determined in Florida?
Once upon a time, child custody was granted to women in the majority of divorce cases. This was done without giving thought to what was in the best interests of the child or what type of parent either mother or father was. Today, however, determining child custody is not so cut and dry, and… Read More »