What Are Irreconcilable Differences?

When you hear of people getting divorced, you may hear the term “irreconcilable differences.” What exactly does this mean?
Irreconcilable differences means that the spouses cannot get along with each other for some reason. It means the couple cannot agree on basic issues, and when they cannot agree, the marriage cannot work. This reason is often used in no-fault divorces.
There are six factors involved in determining whether or not irreconcilable differences are an issue in a marriage.
Personality Differences
You were attracted to your spouse’s personality at one time. However, things change over time and these traits may start to annoy you. When your spouse’s once-cute quirks and outgoing personality start to drive you nuts, it can lead to irreconcilable differences.
Financial Problems
Many couples suffer from financial issues. In fact, it is one of the main reasons for divorce. Typically, one person is a spender while another is a saver. When a couple isn’t on the same page about money, it can lead to nasty arguments. Instead, you need to be honest with each other about wants and needs. Don’t hide purchases from each other.
Lack of Trust
Infidelity is a huge issue in marriages because it causes the person who was cheated on to not trust the other. This is huge, as relationships are built on trust. When trust is broken, it is hard to regain it. However, when the cheating spouse is willing to admit their mistakes and make changes, trust can be rebuilt.
Built-Up Anger
This occurs when a couple finds it hard to communicate with each other. When one person is disappointed with the other or when problems never get resolved, it results in anger and resentment. Many couples cannot move past this, especially if they tend to ignore each other or have different communication styles.
Constant Arguing
It’s normal and even expected for couples to have arguments from time to time. However, when the nagging and bickering becomes constant, it can ruin a marriage. When everything is a fight, it shows that the couple cannot get along. This can make day-to-day married life tense and frustrating, which can lead to divorce.
Unmet Emotional Needs
Many people have trauma from their childhood that they are trying to deal with. You may rely on your spouse to meet your needs and help you resolve your problems, but this is unrealistic. You can try marriage counseling and see if your emotional needs can get met.
Seek Legal Help
Irreconcilable differences can end a marriage. People change, their personalities and interests change. The person you loved 20 years ago may irritate you now to no end.
If you are ending your marriage due to irreconcilable differences, seek legal help from Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney Edward J. Jennings, P.A. We can help you get the best outcome possible. Schedule a consultation today by calling 954-764-4330 or filling out the online form.