Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Child Custody Attorney

How Domestic Violence Impacts Child Custody
If you or your child’s other parent were ever convicted of domestic violence, your child custody case will be handled a bit differently than a typical child custody case. In accordance with Florida law, a judge will consider what situation would be in the best interests of your child. In normal cases, what would… Read More »

Five Surprising Reasons a Parent May Lose Custody in Florida
Child custody is never set in stone, and if one parent does something that puts the child in danger, the Florida courts will revoke custody without a second’s thought. Of course, the courts will need to hear both sides of the story and see substantial evidence, but if the findings back the claims of… Read More »

The Basics of a Florida Parenting Plan Modification
Life is full of surprises, and it is difficult to anticipate what is going to happen tomorrow much less next week, next year, or within the next ten years. Because of this, parenting plans are hardly ever set in stone, and if a parent or parents want to modify an existing plan, they have… Read More »