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Florida Facing Home Insurance Crisis

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

For most people, their home is their biggest asset, so of course they want to insure it. Home insurance protects your home, giving you money to repair or rebuild your home in the event of a disaster. However, some states, like Florida, are having insurance crises. Because Florida is known for hurricanes and other… Read More »

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How to Handle a Contested Will

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

So your loved one died and left a will. That’s a good start, as most people die without any sort of estate planning in place. However, having a will doesn’t necessarily mean everything is fine and dandy. It’s possible for a will to be contested. A jealous relative or even a complete stranger may… Read More »

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What is the #1 Conflict That Causes Most Divorces?

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When you think of reasons for divorce, finances probably come to mind. Or maybe adultery is the first thing that popped into your head. However, a survey from Forbes Advisor showed that neither of these reasons were the main cause of conflict in marriages that ended in divorce. Surprisingly, career choices were the top… Read More »

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3 Behaviors That Mean the End of a Marriage

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When two people first get together, there is a lot of love between them. They may have great communication and truly enjoy being around each other. They may feel as though they are a match made in heaven. Relationships don’t stay happy and uplifting forever. Things change over time. Situations change. People change. The… Read More »

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Ingredients of Happy Marriages

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When a couple thinks of being married happily ever after, do they really know what all is involved? Marriage is not as easy as people think it is. Marriage requires 110% effort all the time. It’s really easy for someone to feel resentment or dissatisfaction in a marriage. Marriage has evolved. It was once… Read More »

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Do You Have Divorce Trauma?

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Those who have been through a divorce know that it’s not a fun time. Ending a marriage can be traumatizing, even if you are the one initiating the divorce. This is no exaggeration. In fact, many people deal with divorce trauma after ending their marriage. Divorce trauma refers to the emotional and psychological distress… Read More »

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Core Values You and Your Partner Should Share

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Marriage is no walk in the park. It takes a lot of effort. It can be challenging at times, especially when the partners are not on the same page. It’s OK to have different interests, but when it comes to core values, it’s best that you and your spouse be in agreement. Having compatible… Read More »

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What Not to Do If You Are a Victim of Infidelity

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When you’re in a relationship with someone, it’s because you trust them. You have no concerns about them looking at other men or women because you know they’ll come home to you. But what if they don’t? Cheating happens. Many people think their spouse would never cheat on them, but many people do go… Read More »

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Steps to Take as an Executor

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

Dealing with a loved one’s death can be an emotional experience. Not only are you dealing with the grief but you may have to play a role in settling the deceased’s estate as well. This is called being the executor of their estate and it’s not an easy task. There are important decisions to… Read More »

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“Everything Else” is Important in a Real Estate Contract

By Edward J. Jennings, P.A. |

When it comes to buying a house, you may be so focused on one area that you forget all the other details. You may be so excited to get a house with a pool that you overlook areas of concern. For example, do you know who will pay for the repairs? Do you know… Read More »

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