Types of Intimacy in a Relationship

We know that romantic relationships require intimacy, but what exactly does that mean? When people think of intimacy, sex is usually one of the first things that come to mind. It’s such an intimate act. You have to be honest about your wants, needs, and desires. It also requires trust in your partner on multiple levels.
But sex is not the only way to be intimate with your partner. There are numerous ways to build intimacy in a relationship. Intimacy involves creating an environment where partners feel safe enough to be vulnerable and authentic with each other. Here’s a look at some other ways to build a connection with your partner.
Physical Intimacy
Besides sex, any type of physical touch is important. Affectionate touch can convey positive feelings toward your partner. This includes cuddling, hugging, kissing, and other types of nonsexual touch.
Emotional Intimacy
Sharing your feelings and then listening and responding to your partner brings about a sense of security. Studies show that romantic attraction tends to increase when people take turns revealing their emotions and listening to each other.
Intellectual Intimacy
Engaging in long conversations about opinions and beliefs builds intimacy by creating an environment of respect and admiration. When partners appreciate each other’s opinions over things like current events or causes they feel strongly about, it makes the person feel valued or special.
Who doesn’t love a good sense of humor? Humor brings people together because it’s like a shared language. That’s why people enjoy going to comedy shows. Life is funny and there are many things that are comical or even absurd. While it’s good to laugh, avoid using humor and sarcasm at your loved one’s expense. That’s not funny.
Aesthetic Intimacy
This type of intimacy involves shared experiences. When you and your partner feel more connected after sharing experiences of beauty, this is aesthetic intimacy. It may involve gushing over a beautiful view, admiring a painting, or savoring an elegant meal. Having our partner enjoy the same things we do helps us feel understood.
Future-Oriented Intimacy
When couples talk about their future together, it signals commitment. This type of intimacy can vary widely, depending on the length of the relationship. A new couple may be excited over upcoming dates and events, while a long-term couple may be thinking about buying a house together or having children. Talking about the future helps create a bond and it can be exciting to share a vision for what’s yet to come. .
Seek Legal Help
Relationships thrive on intimacy. When a couple is no longer intimate with each other in any way, it’s time to consider divorce.
Divorce is a legal matter that can be confusing and complicated. Get the help you need from Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer Edward J. Jennings, P.A. We can help you move on. Fill out the online form or call 954-764-4330 to schedule a consultation.