Monthly Archives: March 2023

Ending Your Marriage During Divorce Month
If you’re married, there’s pretty much a 50/50 chance that you’ll get divorced. If you do get divorced, there’s a pretty good chance it will happen in March. Why March? It’s hard to pinpoint an exact reason, but it’s deliberate. Couples get through the holidays and start the process in January. Some wait until… Read More »

Wage Theft In South Florida
When you accept a job, you assume that you’ll get paid fairly for your work. However, this is not always the case. Employers often engage in schemes to pay workers low wages. In some cases, employers may avoid paying workers altogether. This is called wage theft, and just like any type of theft, it’s… Read More »

Can Snoring Lead To Divorce?
Does your partner’s snoring annoy you so bad that you feel like slapping him or even divorcing him? If so, you’re not alone. Some sources say that snoring is one of the top causes of divorce, although there are no real statistics to back this up. However, studies do show that when one person… Read More »

How To Apologize To Your Spouse
When you do something wrong, you likely apologize. You may mutter a couple words, like “I’m sorry” or maybe just “Sorry.” But is a word or two enough? An apology expresses remorse. It keeps your relationship secure. It shows that you respect your relationship. When you don’t apologize, it can have many repercussions. It… Read More »

Common Times That Couples Divorce
We hope that marriage will last forever, but some couples start drifting apart at certain times. This may happen as soon as the honeymoon is over. It may happen after kids are born. Maybe it happens after the Seven Year Itch or when the kids move out. Divorce can happen at any time, but… Read More »

Regretting Your Divorce? Here’s What People Wish They Did Differently
Nobody gets married with the thought of divorcing down the line, but it happens to roughly half of all marriages. Something happens that destroys the marriage, leading to divorce. Many people are happier after divorce. They are at peace with their decision. Then there are those who know they have made mistakes and regret… Read More »

How To Divorce As Quickly As Possible In Florida
When you think of divorce, you likely imagine a long, drawn-out process that involves both parties battling it out in court. While this happens often, this is not always the case. There are many other ways to divorce. If you desire to divorce quickly, it is possible. While it’s not necessarily easy to accomplish… Read More »

What To Consider Before Remarrying
For many people, marriage is a one-and-done event. They’ll marry once, and if it works out, it works out. If it doesn’t, then they’ll swear off remarriage. Then there are those who want to get married again right away. They can’t stand to be alone. They want another chance at love. Of course, nobody… Read More »

Canceling A Real Estate Contract
For the past few years, the real estate market has been out of control. Buyers have been snapping up houses for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars over the asking prices. However, the market has been cooling down in recent months. Interest rates are going up and with huge layoffs happening almost… Read More »

Wage And Hour Laws For Hospitality Employers
Let’s face it — people work for one main reason: money. Employers may try to take advantage of this, but there are laws that need to be followed. The hospitality industry is a fast-paced industry that is prone to wage and hour disputes. The hospitality industry comprises four main sectors: travel and tourism, food… Read More »